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Download Houzz for Chromebook

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Houzz on Chromebook

Hello everyone, you can download Houzz for Chromebook and experience an app that basically lets you design the interior and exterior of you entire house or you can focus on your rooms, kitchen, basement, attic and so on.

Today we will highlight some reasons why we think you should give this popular app a try on your ChromeOS device. I have just installed this app less than an hour ago and I am still messing around with it as we type this so I won’t go too deep into this app but from the looks of it, it is nicely designed and easy to learn, it’s almost like a mashup of YouTube and like Pinterest? I hope that makes sense lol. The app allows you to use their AR technology (if your Chromebook has a tablet mode with a camera) it can work perfectly. You can view what your house or room would like with certain furniture, colors, appliances etc and you can even order the stuff right on the app or you can get instant help from other homeowners or home improvement specialists including carpenters, painters, sculptors and real architects, with that said, let us know in the comments below what you think about this app if you decide to try it.

Install Houzz as Android App

Download Houzz on ChromeOS

What is Houzz About?

Houzz is an app that works on your Chromebook and it allows you to design the inside(interior) and outside(exterior) of your house, room, building and more. Houzz app allows people renovating or decorating their homes to basically do everything they can think of. You can finding inspiration by looking at other people’s projects or reading their tips on their personal profiles while at the same time you can be communicating and collaborating with family or professionals using ideabooks; researching and hiring professionals from architects, gardners to landscape gurus, everyone and everything can be found on this app.

Houzz App Features:

Houzz Screenshots

Houzz Video

Houzz Chromebook Requirements

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