Download Night Time In New York City Theme


Hello everyone, today you can finally download Night time in New York City theme for Chrome. It is one of the most requested themes on the Chrome Store and for a good reason, it is absolutely beautiful and it sets you in a positive and chill mood every time you look at it.

Today we will highlight an awesome New York City theme featuring some of your favorite buildings and famous landmarks including the Empire State Building, One World Trade Center, Rockefeller Plaza, Chrysler Building and of course many other buildings and streets that really make you feel like you are living in the busy streets of New York City, at night. Check out how it looks below and let me know what you think in the comments, I personally love it.

Night Time In New York City Theme Screenshot

New York City Night Time Theme

Install New York City Night Theme For Chrome

Install New York City at Night Time Theme

For resolutions: 1440 x 900 | 1600 x 900 – Download

For resolutions: 1680 x 1050 | 1920 x 1080 | 1920 x 1200 – Download

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I have a passion for dogs, food, and cars, and I also have a deep interest in Chromebooks and cloud gaming/servers. I'm usually the first one in our office to try out new apps or games so if there is a trend, I am usually the first one to try things, good or bad lol. If you need help with your Chromebook or Chrome browser, you can send me an email at